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For the friend who would pay rent late in order to invest in a set of kitchen knives. Who always knows the coolest new restaurant before anyone else and who you never want to cook for (because your cooking pales in comparison to theirs). Satisfy their sophisticated palate with one of these earth and foodie-friendly gift ideas.

1. Handmade, Wood Cutting Board Bread

Every foodie needs a gorgeous cutting board made of natural materials for displaying their edible creations and this is one of my favorites.


Why is this a great zero waste gift?  Most cutting boards are made of plastic. This is a wood alternative that is 100% biodegradable and also so beautiful.

2. Reusable Water Bottle

A true foodie knows how important hydration is, and this tiny water bottle is as chic and portable as they come.


Why is this a great zero waste gift? Americans used over 50 billion plastic water bottles last year (ew). These gorgeous glass and silicone bottles make sure you’ll never have to buy another bottle of water ever again!

3. French Press Coffee Maker

This is my favorite french press, which I found secondhand, for making the perfect #zerowaste cup of coffee every time.Why is this a great Zero Waste gift? Up to 250 pounds of chemical fertilizers per acre are used in conventional, non-organic coffee farming. In addition, American’s alone consume 400 million cups of coffee daily. That’s a lot of styrofoam and paper cups ending up in landfills! Help your loved ones take control of their coffee routine by giving this gorgeous reusable french press, include a recipe for making a body scrub and a jar of bulk coffee, the perfect gift!

4. Airtight Stainless Steel Containers

These stainless steel containers are a great, plastic-free way to store leftovers and also keep bulk ingredients fresh.


Why is this a great zero waste gift? Americans are notorious for throwing out food. These containers help anyone to be a more conscious consumer (literally) without having to use plastic Tupperware or bags.

5. Homemade Granola

This recipe is delicious and looks so cute when gifted in a mason jar. Bonus: it will make your home smell amazing while you’re making it.

Why is this a great zero waste gift? Most store-bought granola comes in plastic packaging, or bulk granola can be super expensive. Making your own is a win-win for the earth and your wallet!

6. Reusable Straws

Plastic straws are terrible for the environment, and not very Insta-worthy. A true foodie knows that when eating and drinking, taste and aesthetic go hand-in-hand and stainless steel straws are lousy with aesthetic.


Why is this a great Zero Waste gift? Americans use over five hundred million plastic straws per day! Most of those straws are either non-recyclable or aren’t recycled by restaurants or consumers. For your straw loving friend, here’s a great alternative.

7. Bag of Organic Coffee Beans & Reusable Cup

The ultimate gift for the coffee connoisseur. There’s nothing like a bag of high quality beans that are also responsibly grown and sourced.


Why is this a great zero waste gift? Up to 250 pounds of chemical fertilizers per acre are used in conventional (non-organic) coffee farming. It is possible to ingest these pesticides when you drink your morning cup, which can lead to health problems like cancer and fertility issues. Nobody wants that!

8. Spice Set in Glass Jars

The cook’s dream gift. A full set of refillable spice jars that come filled with organic spices. They’re also magnetic so they can stick to your fridge for easy grab-as-you-cook access.


Why is this a great Zero Waste gift? Most spices come in plastic containers and go bad and end up in landfills. With this spice rack you can always see how much you have on hand, prioritize your favorites, and get organic refills shipped to your door plastic free by the company!

9. The Omnivore’s Dilemma

I. love. this. book. It’s an eye-opening examination of how our everyday food choices make a big impact. A must-read for anyone who loves food. Check out more of my favorite books here!

Why is this a great zero waste gift? Food and where we get our food from are huge factors and contributors to our waste issues. Being a conscious consumer in every aspect of your life is so important.

10. Reusable Ice Tray

A true foodie should always have ice on hand for spontaneously mixing up cocktails.


Why is this a great zero waste gift? It’s a great plastic-free alternative to traditional molds, plus stainless steel and silicone stand the test of time unlike cheap plastic trays that oftentimes crack. It’s a one-time investment for a life full of delicious chilled libations.

11. Water Filters

This all-natural water filter is a simple and chic way to filter water for a crisp, clean taste.


Why is this a great Zero Waste gift? The energy we waste using bottled water would be enough to power 190,000 homes. This filter will keep your water tasting crisp without waste (the packaging and stick are both 100% compostable).

12. Reusable Food Wraps

This beeswax food wrap is a great way to keep food fresh without having to use Saran Wrap. Each sheet is made from beeswax, tree resin, organic jojoba oil infused into a hemp and organic cotton cloth, and can be washed with cold water and soap and used for up to a year! Bonus: they smell like honey. Plus, they come in a Vegan version too!


Why is this a great zero waste gift? They’re all natural and made through a waste free process. The company makes twist ties and fire starters with the excess materials. Plus, the wrap helps to keep your produce fresher, longer – minimizing food waste.

13. An “Ugly Produce” Box Subscription

1 in 5 fruits and veggies grown in the U.S. don’t meet cosmetic standards – crooked, undersized, weirdly-shaped, etc. – usually causing them to go to waste. An “ugly produce box” subscription (find my favorite subscription service here!) saves perfectly-tasting produce that would otherwise be thrown out, and curates boxes for subscribers based on their fruit and veggie preferences.

Why is this a great zero waste gift? This gift helps to keep 7.6M pounds of food out of landfills and back to where it should be – in our stomachs.

What are gifts that you love giving to your foodie friends and family members?


  1. All of your gift guides have been great this year! Usually I find gift guides not helpful at all but your ideas are so cool and a new things i haven’t heard of or thought of.

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